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WHY NOW? This fall, NYC will be expanding the organics (aka compost) collection to include 700 or, roughly 40% of all NYC schools, across 3 boroughs! read more THE CHALLENGE It is particularly challenging for principals to allocate limited staff time towards initiating and maintaining new cafeteria procedure. Contaminated bins are all too common. Students and staff need inspiration! SCHOOLS NEED TOOLS! Our school programs empower students as leaders in the cafeteria, who oversee all recylcing, composting and proper sorting. "Sortin' It Out" - the music video is just the lead-in! We are close to completing more great videos, as part of our on-line TOOLKIT. COST of our THROW AWAY CULTURE NYC taxpayers spend $330 million per year to export garbage in gas sucking, carbon spewing trucks, that crisscross the city, first to waste transfer stations located primarily in low-income minority neighborhoods, then to out of state landfills and incinerators. CLIMATE CONNECTION The entire trash cycle contributes carbon and methane emissions to global warming. While the city is due to spend millions on constructing new waste transfer stations, only a small fraction of NYC tax dollars are spent on recycling and climate education. CLIMATE LITERACY Cafeteria Culture has been piloting cutting edge, interdisciplinary curriculum via our school programs. We believe that all NYC students, regardless of resources, should be climate literate! | CafCu's Edu-tainment media - made with and for NYC youth - can revolutionize the city's recycling and composting communication, while empowering minority youth as partners in creating climate-smart messaging. CO-CREATING WITH YOUTH! Youth drive trends, fearlessly pushing the limits of e-culture. CafCu's school programs are giving positive notice to youth as trend setters in a sustainability context and NYC is benefiting! WHY CAFETERIA CULTURE? Our team collaboratively catalyzed Trayless Tuesday citywide and more recently, new policies that will imminently rid all of NYC schools, along with the 5 largest US school districts, of 3 MILLION toxic and polluting styrene foam trays per day! We have spent thousands of hours in school cafeterias across the city, collaboratively innovating, teaching, observing, and piloting new methods. We are the NYC school cafeteria waste reduction innovators! |
CafCu gratefully acknowledges the generous support from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2 for funding our ARTS+ACTION program at MS 246 Walt Whitman. Learn more about our innovative, interdisciplinary school programshere.
See the US EPA's Student's Guide to Global Climate Change here.
See the US EPA's Student's Guide to Global Climate Change here.
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Youth artists create moving-messages
to promote composting
We love the challenge of solving problems, especially when we are co-creating solutions with kids!
Last spring, we piloted our first After School ARTS+ACTION program at PS 167 The Parkway School (Crown Heights, Brooklyn). The school's fabulous eco-artists learned the "why" and the "how" of recycling & composting, then were delighted to paint their original eco-messages right onto the school's compost totes (aka, bins with wheels). The boring brown totes were transformed with bold student designs. Wheeled to the curbside each afternoon, the art and messages are shared with the neighboring community.
But there's more to painting totes than beautifying the curbside, sharing eco-messages, and taking kids' art to the streets.
The NYC School Organics (composting) Program recently expanded from 60 schools to over 400, with plans to accommodate all 1,800 public schools. The cafeteria lunch period, however, is full of challenges for achieving proper sorting and ensuring program success. Due to limited cafeteria staff, few educational components, and lack of kid appealing signage and incentives, the end-of-lunch contents of the compost totes often look identical to that of the trash bins.
The bright paintings on the totes help students and staff to take notice, reminding everyone to correctly sort food scraps and organics.
Additionally, curbside theft of these new totes is a growing problem. By transforming the totes with not-to-be-missed bright artwork, we hope to discourage thieves from wheeling them off of school property.
Our team has spent thousands of hours teaching students and working with school staff on garbage reduction initiatives. We are constantly piloting new ways of engaging entire school communities, improving cafeteria recycling, composting, & sorting procedures, and optimizing design. We are also testing new methods of co-creating media & messaging with youth on the environmental injustice of NYC’s 11,000 tons of school and home garbage generated daily and its inextricable link to climate change.
A HUGE THANKS to AWESOME FOUNDATION NYC and NYC City Councilmember (now NYC Public Advocate) Letitia James, for supporting this project.
Learn more about our ARTS+ACTION School Program.
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