Videos of NYC youth taking action!
NYC Plastic Foam Ban ->
NYC Plastic Bag Fee/Ban Bill ->
Foam Trays Out of Schools ->
Watch "Dear Humans" on YouTube; Watch on Vimeo -> (made by 4th grade students from PS15 Patrick F Daly, Brooklyn, NY)
Watch "Kids in Tokyo & NYC..." on Vimeo->
Watch "#SaveOurOcean - Your Litter is Killing Marine Life" on Vimeo ->
(edited by a 7th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY) |
Cafeteria Culture's youth programs provide students with opportunities for community science, leadership, storytelling. and advocacy. We teach students to think critically about real world environmental problems and to instigate their own action and messaging for their communities. Students debate the issues, ask questions, collect and analyze local data, study the life cycle of plastics, and tell their own powerful stories about local plastic pollution that threatens our oceans, marine wildlife, and human health. |
Watch LITTER MONSTERS on Vimeo here -> (made by 5th grade students from PS34 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Manhattan, NY)
Watch THE FLAWS OF STRAWS on Vimeo here -> (made by 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY)
Watch "East Flatbush Litter #SaveACritter" on Vimeo -> (made by 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY))
Cafeteria Culture is engages students by
teaching 21st Century Learning skills,
including video production
and storytelling for change.
teaching 21st Century Learning skills,
including video production
and storytelling for change.
Watch "the Story of Alaina and Joe" on Vimeo -> (made by 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY)
Watch "Keep It Wavy, Keep It Clean" on Vimeo -> (made by 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY)
, "I did look at the Cafeteria Culture videos. The cool thing about it is that the kids in the video look like the kids that we are bringing today. The faces are familiar. If they see kids like them doing something good, hopefully it gives them more of a push to come out and do the same good as the kids they see in the video.The videos ultimately made another connection between what we are doing in the class and what we are doing out here [North Channel Beach]." Nneka Wallace, Science Teacher, Victory Collegiate High School, Brooklyn, NY, from interview at Jamaica Bay while conducting a beach litter survey with her students On rainy days, the increase of storm waster runnoff forces street litter in many of our NYC neighborhoods (and over 700 other US municipalities) to flow into our sewer systems, where it mxes with our sewage, and then flows drectly out to our local waterways and beyond.
These TRASH FREE WATERS videos have been cretaed by by 8th grade students from MS246 K Walt Whitman in East Flatbush, Brooklyn and PS/MS34 M 5th graders. The curriculum is a part of Cafeteria Culture’s interdisciplinary environmental education, YOUTH ARTS + MEDIA forTRASH FREE WATERS School Program (2016), generously funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2, Sustainable Materials Management Section, CASD. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Don't miss the next new video Watch "A message from 8th grade filmmakers about marine pollution"
on Vimeo -> (co-created with 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY) A Trash Free Waters (TFW) campaign,
"Pick Up Litter #SaveACritter" These video shorts were co-created with 8th grade students from MS 246 Walt Whitman in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. The curriculum is part of Cafeteria Culture's "Youth ARTS+MEDIA for Trash Free Waters" school program, generously funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2. Learn more about our youth media and environmental education curriculum -> |
Watch "The Dark Beauty of the Beads - #beadfree" on Vimeo -> (made by 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY)
Watch "The Journey of Plastic Litter" on Vimeo -> (made by 8th grade student from MS246 Walt Whitman, Brooklyn, NY)
See what PS34's 5th grade green leaders from Cafeteria Culture's ARTS+MEDIA for Climate Action program are doing to reduce NYC's plastic bag pollution! Students studied the details of NYC's single-use carryout bag bill, debated the bill, and took ACTION for a greener, cleaner NYC and plastic free oceans. Watch "5th Grade Change-makers Take Action..." on Vimeo ->
See more here --> about youth-led action on NYC's bag bill and how CafCu students helped to get this landmark bill passed!
![]() NEST+m third grade students learned all about how street litter can become dangerous marine pollution. The participated in Socratic discussions on the NYC polystyrene (Styrofoam) ban bill and the NYC single-use carry-out bag bill.
Students went to City Hall and stood by City Council Members, speaking to the press about why the NYC bag fee bill should be passed.
Make your own no-sew reusable bag (and face mask) from an old t-shirt - 5 steps in 10 minutes! Watch our short how to video -> 100 billion plastic bags are used annually in the US and only about 2% of them are recycled. Plastic bags pollute from the start of production to end of life. |
Wondering where all this plastic pollution comes from and where it goes?
(infographic from Eunomia, UK)
Youth Citizen Science
NEST+M third grade students conduct
street litter survey of their school block!
Youth ARTS+MEDIA for Trash Free Waters
More video shorts:
watch, get inspired and take action! ->
See youth and community-led action on NYC's styrofoam ban here ->
Want to learn more about getting styrofoam out of your school?->
Giant Data Puppets - student messaging about styrofoam